Hollyoaks Spoilers: Will’s carer Ellie is revealed to be his long-lost mum at a Savage family party!
Home > Soaps > Hollyoaks Spoilers: Will’s carer Ellie is revealed to be his long-lost mum at a Savage family party! March 12th, 2013 by Anna Howell. The secret identity of Will Savage’s new carer in Hollyoaks is about to be revealed to the entire family! As we reported last week, Ellie (Saskia Wickham), the new carer employed to look after wheelchair-bound Will Savage ( James Atherton ) was acting more than a little bit intense which lead us to investigate and discover that she is in actual fact the long-lost mother of Will and his gang of brothers and sisters. Fans of Hollyoaks will know how Savage siblings, Dodger, Will and Liberty arrived in the village motherless, with tales of abandonment and despair conquered by family unity and hope after their mother, Anna, left them. However, their boat was quite literally shaken when, after being kept in the dark his entire life, Dodger (Danny Mac) discovered that Dirk Savage (David Kennedy) was not in fact his real father. Dodger w...