Hollyoaks Spoilers: Will’s carer Ellie is revealed to be his long-lost mum at a Savage family party!
The secret identity of Will Savage’s new carer in Hollyoaks is about to be revealed to the entire family!
As we reported last week, Ellie (Saskia Wickham), the new carer employed to look after wheelchair-bound Will Savage (James Atherton) was acting more than a little bit intense which lead us to investigate and discover that she is in actual fact the long-lost mother of Will and his gang of brothers and sisters.
Fans of Hollyoaks will know how Savage siblings, Dodger, Will and Liberty arrived in the village motherless, with tales of abandonment and despair conquered by family unity and hope after their mother, Anna, left them.
However, their boat was quite literally shaken when, after being kept in the dark his entire life, Dodger (Danny Mac) discovered that Dirk Savage (David Kennedy) was not in fact his real father.
Dodger went on the search for his real paternity but got more than he bargained for when he not only discovered his father, Patrick (Jeremy Sheffield) but also a twin sister, Sienna (Anna Passey), that he never knew he had.
Now the Savage’s and the Blake’s have come together to live side by side in peaceful harmony, what better way to bring them crashing back down to earth than a visit from mummy-dearest?
Well, that’s exactly what is about to happen!
The drama is set to unfold when Will receives a call from the agency he believes he hired Ellie from saying they have no record of an ‘Ellie Harper’ working for them.
He confronts her over his findings, but Ellie manages to calm the situation down and talk her way out of the problem, until Will asks her to attend his engagement party that is.
The entire Savage/Blake clan are gathered in The Dog In The Pond to celebrate Will and Texas’ (Bianca Hendrickse-Spendlove) engagement when Will introduces Ellie to his family only for Dirk to reveal that she is actual fact Anna, the mother who abandoned them all.
Anna is glad to finally get everything out in the open but, upon seeing Patrick, acts frightened claiming that he used to beat her when they were together, which is why she left.
Patrick is outraged at the suggestion and tells everyone that what actually happened was that Anna had tried to kill herself, Dodger and Sienna!
Someone’s not telling the truth, but the question is who? We may never find out as, after the party, Patrick has Anna committed!
Watch all the drama unfold in Hollyoaks on Wednesday, March 20, Thursday, March 21 and Friday, March 22 at 6.30pm on Channel 4.
Watch an interview with Danny Mac and James Atherton who play Dodger and Will Savage in the clip below:
Hollyoaks can be seen weeknights at 6.30pm on Channel 4/ Channel 4 HD
Hollyoaks can be seen weeknights at 6.30pm on Channel 4/ Channel 4 HD
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